Saturday, February 13, 2010

How To Stop Friend From Seeing How Much Friends I Got On Facebook How Can I Hide All Of My Facebook Friends From Everyone , Including Friends . ?

How can i hide all of my facebook friends from everyone , including friends . ? - how to stop friend from seeing how much friends i got on facebook

I have a friend that you do not continue for all on my list, even if they do not know, used. which is so old. And I've seen profiles with hidden friends lists. How can you do?

1 comment:

  1. 1. At the top of the page (in the blue menu bar) you will find a "settings, see" link.

    2. Mouse over him and then in the drop-down menu, select "Privacy".

    3. Select "Profile".

    4. On this page you will find an option called "Find Friends" with a combo. Here you can define who your friends to view.
